Here’s how to save locally a PDF form you have completed online. See also: How to edit PDFs for free; How to modify a PDF using free and online tools. QUESTION I’ve opened a PDF form online that I want to fill in and save, however it won’t allow me to do this and says the following: “You cannot save data typed into this form. Please print your completed form if you would like a copy for your records.” How can I get around this? I have Adobe Reader 9 and Windows 7. HELPROOM ANSWER A simple solution would be to print the completed form, as they say, but instead of printing it out on your printer, print it directly to a new PDF file. This will create a new PDF file containing the original form, complete with all the details you added. If you don’t have a PDF writer installed, you can use a free one, such as CutePDF Writer (, or you can use Adobe’s own Acrobat XI which comes with a free 30-day trial. Once you’ve installed your chosen PDF writer, complete the form and then go to print in the normal way. Select the PDF writer as your printer and click print to create the PDF. See all How to articles.